Historical Society
The Dalton Historical Society meets quarterly on the second Saturday in January, April, July and October, at noon at the old Dalton Town Hall. Visitors and new members are welcome! We have a display area in the basement of the Town Hall, which is accessible by using the stairs, or park at the rear of the building and enter through the basement-level door, with no steps involved for easy access. Because we do not have regular business hours, please contact us if you would like to visit or learn about Dalton’s people and places.
Visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DaltonHistoricalSociety/
Email: terri@daltonhistoricalsociety.org
Phone: 603-991-5829
We also have a website, however, due to “technical difficulties”, it can no longer be maintained/updated. The “home page” is no longer functioning, but the link below will take you to another page in the site, where you can access many interesting photos and bits of Dalton’s history, including most of the newsletters we have published.